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Tuesday 6 March 2012

15 mile Night walk

Oh yeah! Have signed up with my BFF Molly-Mole to do another 15 mile Night walk along the Torquay coast line. We completed the Moonwalk in 2009 in London - a whole 26 miles - so this should feel like a walk in the park in comparison. It's in aid of Rowcroft Hospice which is a local hospice where a friend of mine has died a couple of years ago so I feel like it's for a really good cause plus Molly and I get to lose some weight and get fitter. WIN WIN! It's called the Rowcroft Sleep Walk.

It always feels like I have to have a goal when attempting any fitness regime - I suppose that is normal! So we're starting with a tiny 3 miler on Friday to ease ourselves in gently ;-) Will keep you posted.

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